jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010
The last post
The things that I enjoy more was the normal classes, I felt that in the classroom was the place where I learn more new things.
The most interesting thing was the fact that the teacher was from another country .
The most boring of the class for me was the blog classes, because I think that the weekly blogging easily could be homework and in the time of the blog classes do something else, like more listening or speaking classes, but anyway writing in english every week too was useful.
I think that the most difficult of the English in general is the speaking, because you have to think and speak in english and the most of us didn’t practice it very often.
Well that was all , see you .
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
A Classmate Blog

Hello one more time my dear classmates, watching the blog of everyone of you, I decided to choose the Nacho’s blog as my favourite one of all, this because of reasons like the fact that the posts that he has done are very interesting and the way that he made it is very funny, also I think that he has wrotten about very curious and creative topics.
The important elements that the blog has are things like the color, format and images that are linked with the topic are very originals and representative.
Of all the posts that are in the Nacho’s Blog, the one that called more my attention was “The Dream Of Tartini”, this because I am a little ignorant in topics related with the world of music especially with histories and in this case I have heard about Giusseppe Tartini, but I didn’t know the story behind of "Il Trillo del Diavolo" and other post that I consider very interesting was the post of Dracula film, I think that is a great choice as a favourite movie.
About improves that could be done in the blog, maybe the tittles could be in other type of letter, I don’t know, I think that the blog is well done, you can see it in
But, even all of this I think that my blog is better and more pulento than his blog.
Bye and see you around.
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

To play Dragon Ball Z you obviously need to have controls and just learn fighting with your friends or with the computer, but at least for me, playing with the computer is very boring.
Now that I remember I played this game once or two times in a week, in a friend’s house, because even that I had the Super Nintendo I didn’t have that game.
I principally played this game with my childhood friend, his brother and sometimes too with my brother.
The main reason of why I enjoy and like so much this game it’s because I always had loved Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, they are my favourite anime series of all times and too was the favourite of my friend. Other reason was that even I didn’t like all the videogames that existed on those years, I always tought that this was very good, because the way that the characters were made represented the characters of the Tv series and too for the reason that I enjoy a lot fighting games, and this was the first game of this kind that I played.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
A meeting with a famous one

Hello classmates and teacher, related with the topic of today, I am not really interested in the famous people, because I think that we can’t know how they are really are, but if I had to choose one, the famous person that I would like to meet is the well-known American cartoonist and producer Matt Groening, I guess that all have heard of him, he is the creator of The Simpsons and Futurama.
I would like to meet this guy, because I think that the two TV series invented by him, are simply awesome and very original, both of them. The contents of the chapters have a great mix of elements, but the principal is the parody to the american people their cotidian lifes.
The things that I would like to talk with him aren’t very important topics, I would ask him how he can think in all the facts and answers that happpen to his characters, I would ask him that he loves the beer like Homer, that kind of stuff.
I think that meeting Matt Groening would be interesting, because his creations and the kind of jokes that are showed on his series are unique, I guess that Matt it’s a relaxed man, that can joke with all kind of topics, like political, religion, social problems, etc. Because of this I think that he is the kind of person that can talk all the topics having his opinion, but not getting blinded with his ideas.
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

A perfect day
Hello, thinking about in a perfect day for me, I believe that is relative, because the kind of day for me it is related with my mood, but anyway I think that I would like to spend a half of the day with my girlfriend, doing anything maybe walking, I don’t know, but spending time with her, this for many reasons, but principally because how I feel staying with her. Other persons with who I would spend a perfect day should be with my friends of the school and of the university, drinking many beers and “Piscolas”, the place could be my home or a friend’s house, other very important person is “El Roa!!!!”, and would like to joke, laugh and drink some beers and get stoned with him.
Out of this, I that day I would like to spend some time alone, listening my favourite music and walking around and too in this day I would like eat something that I really enjoy, like a Barros Luco or a Chorrillana, but this I would decide it that day.
In general I have done all this things and they aren’t very extreme or inusual, but for me are very important moments in my life and I really enjoy them a lot.
I think that all can have a perfect day in the way that each one of us focus on this and have the will to do it.
That it is,good bye and see you around.
jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010
Paper TOYS D:

The exhibition is about different characters or famous people, the creators called to this “Paper Toys”and it is very funny, obviusly they are made of paper is very interesting the way that they found to represent real people and not only real people .
There are great famous singers like Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson or bands like Kiss, there are too a great variety of fictional characters of videogames like Mario or Donkey Kong, or TV characters like Bender of Futurama.
More like an event it is a presentation, and called my attention because it is not very usually to see that kind of stuff in the university, generally the works that the students do are more abstracts and too because I like when there is a show and it is more inocent, and can be appreciated by all the people, childs or adults.
Anyway, I never decided to went to this event, I was waiting the class and a friend realized of the paper, in that moment I didn’t see all the characters, but today before enter to this class I see all the figures.
Well that was all, and greeting to all of you.
jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010
Traveling and Boxing

Hello everyone, today I will write about the activities that I would like to do and it is traveling, I would like to trip to a few places or cities out of Chile, and the principal reason it’s because I am a little bored of the people of the city where I live and would like to know other people and the activities that they do and too I would like to know quiet places out of here.
Other activity that I would like to do is to boxing, this combat sport has always called my attention, I think that is very pasional and a linker between the body and the spirit, and in the ring you can demostrate that the strength of the mind and the heart can be expressed fighting.
Personally, I think that i would be very good in this sport, because I am in a good physical condition and I have all the desire necessary to win a fight. Even that, I’m 19 years old and to do this sport you need to start learning and practicing more young than that, but I will practice boxing anyway like a hobbie.
lunes, 21 de junio de 2010
The David

Hi everyone, the work of art that I choose to talk about is the “David”, a sculpture created during the time period from 1501 to 1504 by the famous Renacentist artist Miguel Angel.
I like this masterpiece of art, because, out of the meaning that really has (the previous moment of the fight between David and Golliat), I think that only a genius can make a work like that, with all the details and very human.
The first time that I saw this masterpiece, was in a picture in my school, It really amazed me , because it shows the anathomy of the human body very well,the size is amazing too, it has 17 feet, (like 5,10 meters) and another reason is the fact that it is a masterpiece that has more than five hundred years, so that means the extra work of create it, because the tools of those years, were more difficult to use .
The “David”, has been reproduced and imitated a lot of times, a well-knowed example of this is the David in Buffalo, New York.
Well, that was all, I guess that everyone knows this work of art, it isn't my favourite, but it is one of the most knowed of all the world and still admired even with the past o the centuries.
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010
Holidays D:
We first took a flight from Santiago to Ciudad de México (or D.F), the duration of the trip it’’s about eight hours, and then from there we took the flight to Cancún. My dad went to the airport to receive us. He was very happy and me too, after all, we passed more than a year without a sight, we only communicate by telephone (sometimes) and by e-mail or chat.
The principal reason of why I remember this holiday and why it is one of the best that I have ever had in my life, was because I had the chance to see my father after a long time, and more, because I really enjoy the trips to places that I don’t know, and a lot more If I have the possiblity to trip out of the country. Anyway, the things that I did there were activities like going to the beaches, hanging out the nights, walk a lot knowing different places, etc.
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
Donnie Darko

Hi, like the topic of the post is anyone that i liket, I will write about one of my favourite movies, "Donnie Darko", the movie is directed by Richard Kelly and stars Jake Gyllenhaal making the paper of Donald ("Donnie")
This movie isn't the tipical Hollywood movie of action and the happy ending. This movie has a relevance for me because it is a mix of drama, paradox between the space and time, thriller and principally science fiction, all those elements called my attention.
The movie is about a teenager (Donald), and he has a mental sickness, that reflected in the fact that in the start of the movie he has to take some medicine and this is repeated everyday that pass in the history (Other thing that makes a Little special this movie is the fact that the history is according to the days go by, that means that the history becomes more complex with the pass of the days, that are in total twenty eight), but it is never shown wich sickness it is.
I could spend more time describing the movie, but I think that is useless, if you are interested in watching a good movie that includes concepts of time, space-time, travel in time, parallel realities and that kind of things, just watch the movie, is the only advice that I can give you. Personally, I have to watch this movie two times to start understanding it, it isn’t a movie so easy to see it, but it is 100 % recommended if you enjoy these topics.
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
Review of a post

(Original post)
"Trainspotting is a scottish movie of 1996 by Danny boyle and about in the novel written by Irvine Welsh. The movie follow a group of heroin addicts in a late 1980s economically depressed area of Edinburgh and their passage trough life.
The film stars Ewan McGregor as Mark Renton, Ewen Bremner as Spud, Jonny Lee Miller as Sick Boy, Kevin McKidd as Tommy, Robert Carlyle as Begbie, and Kelly Macdonald as Diane. Author Irvine Welsh also has a cameo appearance as hapless drug dealer Mikey Forrester. They haven't aspiration in the during the couse of the life.
I saw the movie in the filosofia class for the study of the social conduct in the adicts youngs. The adict don't work, don't couple , dont'n responsabilitys either moral, only worry by obtain drugs for your adiction.
I like the movie because explain the youngs problems dependen drugs and your relation with the society. It is a british film is a the best because nowadays the greater problems in the young society are the drugs ( speciality in the film the heroin , what it's very addictive) and alcohol, fights in the depressed area , steal by obtain money and the easy life. "
Favourite Movie : " Trainspotting"
(Not original post)
Trainspotting is a scottish movie of 1996 by Danny boyle and about in the novel written by Irvine Welsh. The movie follows a group of heroin addicts in a late 1980s economically depressed area of Edinburgh and their passage trough life.
The film stars Ewan McGregor as Mark Renton, Ewen Bremner as Spud, Jonny Lee Miller as Sick Boy, Kevin McKidd as Tommy, Robert Carlyle as Begbie, and Kelly Macdonald as Diane. Author Irvine Welsh also has a cameo appearance as hapless drug dealer Mikey Forrester. They haven't aspiration in the during the couse of the life.
I saw the movie in the philosophy class for the study of the social conduct in the adicts youngs. The addicts don't work, don't couple , don't have responsabilities either moral, only worry by obtain drugs for their addiction.
I like the movie because explain the youngs problems dependen drugs and your relation with the society. It is a british film is a the best because nowadays the greater problems in the young society are the drugs ( speciality in the film the heroin , what it's very addictive) and alcohol, fights in the depressed area , steal by obtain money and the easy life.
Writting about a classmate blog.
My first impression of his blog, was that it has an interesting blog, because he mixed the colours and the photographs that he used in a very nice contrast, and the images that he used called my attention, due to is not very usually for me to see images of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, for example, and the possittion of the posts that he wrote and the pictures that he used are in armony visually for me.
He publish a variety of topics, for that I guess that he is a person that enjoys many activities and he can “mix” them.
One thing that the could do, to make more interesting his blog, is to publish a video of one of the topics that he choose, but is a very nice blog anyway.
lunes, 26 de abril de 2010
Respect, WALK
For many people this won't be their favourite activitie, but for me is more than just listen music, the time that i spend doing this helps me a lot, because in all those moments I can give me time only for myself, think about many things or situations that I don't usually think, other reason that make me enjoy to walk around is because generally I live situations that i know they wouldn't happen if i don't going out. This means that appart from the first reason, all those (outings make me have a really good time of learning, fun and relax.
Mercedes switch Michael Schumacher's car in bid to find pace in Spain
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
My favourite movie

I don't have only one favourite movie, but one that likes me a lot is "American History X", directed by Tony Kaye and starring with Edward Norton and Edward Furlong.
The first time that I saw this movie was three years ago in summer, I remember that a friend recommended to me to see this movie.
In a few words, the movie is about two brothers that have a nazi orientation, this for different reasons that are showed in the history.
I liked this movie, because before the moment I saw it, i have never watched a movie of the nazi movement and i have seen this movie again, at least five times, and it really keeps surprising me, I feel that my perception of the movie changes every time that I see it.
I don't know if it is better than other movies, because all the movies have their particularity, but i know that is a very good movie, it has a great drama history, it has excellent actors and it makes you realize that are things that don't have any sense, like hate, the racism and discrimination.
It is really a film that deserves to be watched, I'm not saying that is the best movie of all the world, but if you enjoy a drama history that leaves you thinking i totally recommend it.
lunes, 12 de abril de 2010
My earthquake experience
I think that the reaction of Chile wasn't the best, i felt a little dissapointed, because Chile internationally, before the earthquake was taking a good place, and seeing the people stealing things like T.V's was sad, but it doesn't means that was the worst. However, Chile is getting up again after all.
lunes, 5 de abril de 2010
Valparaiso of my love

Hi everyone, i want to share with all of you one of my favourite places of Chile,
and it is Valparaiso.
Many people preffers Viña del Mar or Reñaca, but for me Valparaiso has a strange "magic".
The last time that i went there was about six months ago, at the end of september, we went on this season because there aren't so many people.
I went there with my brother, his daughter, his girlfriend, two of our cousins and with my uncle
The things that we did in Valparaiso was eating seafood pastie and chorrillana, walking around the city, going to the beach, and in the night we went to a bar called "La playa", we drink a lot of a beer and we had a very good time.
You can do a lot of things, like have a ride in boat, go to other beaches, etc.
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
One thing
I am not very good writting, but i will do my best.
Enjoy the life