Hi, like the topic of the post is anyone that i liket, I will write about one of my favourite movies, "Donnie Darko", the movie is directed by Richard Kelly and stars Jake Gyllenhaal making the paper of Donald ("Donnie")
This movie isn't the tipical Hollywood movie of action and the happy ending. This movie has a relevance for me because it is a mix of drama, paradox between the space and time, thriller and principally science fiction, all those elements called my attention.
The movie is about a teenager (Donald), and he has a mental sickness, that reflected in the fact that in the start of the movie he has to take some medicine and this is repeated everyday that pass in the history (Other thing that makes a Little special this movie is the fact that the history is according to the days go by, that means that the history becomes more complex with the pass of the days, that are in total twenty eight), but it is never shown wich sickness it is.
I could spend more time describing the movie, but I think that is useless, if you are interested in watching a good movie that includes concepts of time, space-time, travel in time, parallel realities and that kind of things, just watch the movie, is the only advice that I can give you. Personally, I have to watch this movie two times to start understanding it, it isn’t a movie so easy to see it, but it is 100 % recommended if you enjoy these topics.
My friend i dont see the movie! but if is one of the your favorite movies is great! bye !!
ResponderEliminaris so strange the movie. i haven't heared about it
ResponderEliminarNiceeee movieeeee!
ResponderEliminarI can't see this movie.
ResponderEliminarinteresting movie, Ruben
ResponderEliminaroh my gosh
ResponderEliminarim scared D:!
i want to see it
see you sick!